At Enabled Designs, we help maximise your independence through high-quality home modifications and assistive technology.

Enabled Designs

Transform your home, transform your life with occupational therapy

You don’t undertake a big home modification every day – but we do!

We have over 15 years of tried and tested experience here, giving us a unique perspective and considerable expertise.

We understand:

  • How to make your home accessible, functional and comfy
  • Building regulations
  • Assistive technology
  • …and what could be possible!

When your home works smoothly for you, your life becomes
so much easier, meaning you can achieve so much more.


About us

Annelise Costelow, the founder of Enabled Designs, is committed to changing the world through occupational
therapy – one person at a time.

Enabled Designs employs outstanding occupational therapists and then supports them through regular, ongoing training in home modifications and assistive technology, giving us an unrivalled proficiency in this space.

Everyone’s unique.
Everyone deserves a home that works for them.

Annelise Costelow
Founder of Enabled Designs

Our key services

Minor and complex home modifications

Comprehensive assessment and home modifications solution to improve accessibility, safety, independence and function in everyday activities.

This process can include:

We can assist you with:

Assistive technology

Our expansive knowledge of the current market means we are ideally placed to recommend assistive technology solutions to make your life easier.

We have excellent relationships with suppliers and can facilitate you to try the assistive technology out for yourselves.

We can also write robust reports to funding agencies to help you pay for assistive technology.

We can assist you with:

How safe is your home?

Receive your free home safety checklist

Additional services

Functional assessments

Assessments of your ability to complete daily activities to identify your strengths, challenges and needs and obtain the level of care you require.

Vehicle Modifications

We complete assessments and conduct trials with you to recommend options for vehicle modifications to improve access to your vehicle and safety while travelling.

Supported Independent Living and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Assessments

Working alongside Support Coordinators to explore housing options and care needs and access SIL and SDA funding through the NDIS.

Daily Living Skills Training

We work with people to be more independent at home in the community, manage their daily activities and achieve their life goals.

See how Enabled Designs can help you

Who do we work with?

Anyone with a physical condition or disability.

Our youngest client was a toddler, our oldest (so far!) was pushing 90.

We work with NDIS participants, older people with home care packages, and self-funded individuals.

Who do we work with?

Our home modifications and assistive technology process

Our process is client-centred and participatory. You’re the final decision maker at each stage because you know your life best.

Steps involved:

Welcome phone call


Home and/ or community assessment


Develop your goals and a plan


Explore solutions and funding options


Advocate to funding bodies


Get the work done for you


Final checks & user and carer education



We’re not satisfied with partial solutions

Eliminating barriers and creating possibilities often involves more than one strategy.

One solution may take you 60% of the way to your goal. Many people stop there – but we don’t. We press on, creating innovative ways to achieve your goals in full. We’re not satisfied until you are.