Watch any episode of the popular children’s TV show Bluey, and you’re struck by Bluey and Bingo’s delight in discovering their world. They play in the creek, slide down piles of dirt and enjoy family days out at Brisbane’s beautiful Southbank Parklands. They even teach their dad, Bandit, the joy of seeing the world through fresh eyes, leaving him staring at a leaf’s intricate patterns with new-found wonder as if he were ‘born yesterday’. 

This growing independence and discovery is part of normal development. So, how can children with a disability experience the joy of discovery? Let’s take a look at power mobility for young children. 

The benefits of exploring

Children’s brains develop through play and discovery. Independent exploration promotes: 

  • Social and play skills
  • Cognitive development
  • Improved visual awareness
  • Increased engagement.  

Powering mobility for young children with disability

Power mobility supports young children’s development by enabling them to get around independently. Options for young children include: 

  • Electric wheelchairs
  • Mobility scooters.

When’s the right time to introduce power mobility? 

When you’re aware of the need for it. There’s no need to wait until your child is a certain age. 

As researchers note

Age is not the key factor; instead, the focus should be on providing developmentally appropriate interventions and focusing on ‘movement for movement’s sake’.

Certain underlying skills will help your child use power mobility. Those include understanding: 

  • Cause and effect – to understand that pushing a button makes the chair move forward, for example.
  • Direction – to move towards the places that interest them.

How do you choose the right kind of power mobility? 

Your child’s occupational therapist can help you explore power mobility options and find the right ‘fit’ for your child’s needs. 

As part of this process, you’ll be encouraged to consider: 

  • In the situations you wish to use power mobility, no solution suits every situation. You might use power mobility outdoors and a walking frame at home, for example.
  • Wheelchair controls – do you prefer switches or a joystick? 
  • Programming options – sometimes, you can limit the wheelchair’s capacity while your child learns the relevant commands.

Safety features of power mobility aids for young children

Many power mobility aids intended for young children come with safety features such as: 

  • Remote controls that enable parents to stop the wheelchair 
  • Reduced speed limits
  • Protections for the user.  

A gentle introduction to powered mobility

Your occupational therapist will carefully introduce your child to powered mobility. 

We don’t simply strap them in and send them off into the unknown! Instead, we gradually introduce your child to using powered mobility in different environments.

This introduction will go at the right pace for you and your child. It’ll usually take more than one session, and there’s no need to rush. We aim to ensure you both feel comfortable and confident in using powered mobility in each situation that’s important to you, such as your home, the local park or your child’s preschool. 

Finding the balance between encouraging exploration and monitoring safety

The thought of your child using power mobility is initially daunting for many parents. It’s OK to take a breath and recognise how you’re feeling. Then, remember why you’re doing this and how much it’s going to help your child. 

You will, of course, be close by and keeping a watchful eye. When able-bodied kids start walking, parents stay nearby, expecting their child to fall often. You have a similar role when your child starts using power mobility. They need the chance to stretch themselves and explore, but they’ll benefit from having you nearby to monitor any safety concerns. 

How can Enabled Designs help? 

Our mission at Enabled Designs is to help maximise independence through high-quality home modifications and assistive technology. 

With a team of outstanding occupational therapists and excellent supplier networks, we’re ideally placed to help you find the right power mobility for your child to explore the world and experience the joy of discovery. 

Please contact us today. 



All information is general and not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Enabled Designs can consult with you regarding your individual health needs.
